Sunday 24 January 2016

Nazareth- Nazareth Biblical Village

Type of cross that Jesus had to bear

Traditional Wine Making process

Shepherd mending his sheep

Wine Press used Thousands of
years ago

We entered into Israel from Jordan the day after visiting Petra, in Jordan. The first place we went to, was the Nazareth Biblical Village. It was a land that was purchased by Christians and it was to replicate how the village would have looked like during Jesus time. It was to help us to understand the type of life that Jesus lived in the village for 30 years before he begun his ministry.

There was a wine press that was discovered at Nazareth that had been used thousands of years ago. As stated in Luke 2:52, Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. I felt really amazed at how simple Jesus chose to live his life and despite being the son of God, he even obeyed his earthly parents as stated in Luke 2:51, where he was obedient to them. 

Carpenter is not an easy job as they would have to toil and work hard for long hours everyday but yet Jesus was able to be in good terms with both God and man, which shows that he really did well in his job and also walked closely with God. Jesus is the perfect role model for all of us about how we need to take pride in the work that God has placed us in and at the same time, walk closely with God in terms of our personal relationship with him.

In the synagogue where Jesus could have stood
while reading the scrolls to the people
I also visited the synagogue in Nazareth, whereby Jesus came back to his hometown to read the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. As recorded in Luke 4:18-19, he said that “The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the bling, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” After closing the scroll, he said in Luke 4:21, that “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” But yet the people completely missed out the fact that he said that he was the Messiah and they even drove him out of their village.

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