Wednesday 20 January 2016

Jerusalem- Antonia Fortress- Jesus Trial before Pilate

Model of the Antonia Fortress before the Romans destroyed it

This is the place that King Herod rebuilt for his ancestors to protect the Temple Mount and and to honor his friend, Marc Antony. Thus it was named as Antonia Fortress. It functioned as a headquarters for the Roman soldiers. This was also the first place that the Romans conquered when they conquered Jerusalem as it was close to the temple. The temple that Herod built is actually 12 meters above the original structure which was during King David time. Therefore thousands of years ago, the actual ground level in Jerusalem, is actually 12 meters below what it was during Jesus time. King Herod built the entire Fortress over the previous structure and transformed it by building many projects such as palaces, citadels, viaducts and even an amphitheater. The entire Fortress was secured with walls that were 115 feet high and 165 feet wide.That was of course before the Romans conquered Jerusalem and many other different tribes that stayed after that.

Where Jesus was mocked and made to bear the cross
However in the biblical terms, the basement area was where Jesus stood before Pilate in Matthew 27:11, whereby he agreed that he was the King of Jews and gave no further answer. The people wanted to crucify Jesus and release Jesus Barabbas who was also a prisoner. Pilate gave in to the demands of the people and decided to crucify Jesus.

We went to that place and gathered around the guide. As stated in Matthew 27:27-31,the guards mocked him, twisted a crown of thorns and set it on his head and spit on him and struck him on his head. After that they made Jesus bear the cross.

 Picture of Jesus bearing the cross

The guide told us to spend some minutes quietly to reflect about Christ. I found a corner at the back and as I stood there, I felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit to remove my shoes as I am standing on holy ground. I was reluctant at first but I later obeyed and I thanked God for what he had to go through for us. Sometimes obedience to God is very difficult for us in life and we may not understand why he wants us to do certain things in life, but we need to learn to have a heart of obedience to his word.

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