Sunday 24 January 2016

Galilee- Cana in Galilee

 Cana in Galilee

Ancient Artifacts
Entrance of Cana  

 This was the place that Jesus performed his first miracle when he turned water into wine during a wedding, after the wine had ran out. As stated in John 2:11, that was his first miracle that revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him. The interesting thing in this incident is that Jesus did his first miracle at a wedding. A wedding is a place whereby a men and women gets married and takes their vows to be together as long as they live. This was the perfect place in my opinion for Jesus to perform his first miracle as the word wedding has often been associated with the second coming of our Lord Jesus. 

It is an interesting place to visit today, as many married couples travel all the way to there, to renew their marriage vows in the place that Jesus performed his first miracle 2000 years ago. 

Renewal of Marriage Vows
In our journey, all the married couples renewed their marriage vows with Dean Phillip as the conductor of the ceremony. Some of the couples were moved to tears with it and it was a really significant moment in their life. I was also touched when I saw how much love they still had for one another, despite being married for so many years. 

I loved the theory that Dean Phillip shared whereby the key to a successful marriage is that both the man and woman, should look to grow deeper in their walk with God like a triangle whereby God is at the top of the triangle. As they grow deeper with God, their marriage will also be better and during testing times, they should look to Christ for solution and spend time with God. It was also very educational for me and I can see the love for God in all of their lives.

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