Tuesday 19 January 2016

Jerusalem- Room Of The Last Supper

Room of the last supper (1)
This is the place in biblical terms as the place where Jesus had his last supper with his disciples before he was betrayed and it is located directly above the Tomb of David.In Matthew 26:18-30, JESUS told his disciples to go into the city and tell a certain man that he was going to celebrate Passover with his disciples at his house. The disciples obeyed and during the supper, Jesus said that one of his disciples would betray him and even described him by saying as the one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me. After that, Jesus took bread and broke it, saying that this is my body and took a cup of wine and after giving thanks, asked them to drink it saying that this is his blood of the covenant that is poured out for many, of the forgiveness of sins. They even sung a hymn after that.

Room of the last supper (2)
In the 5th century, the church was destroyed by fire during the Persian attack and again later on. The crusaders rebuilt the place in the 12 century after they arrived. After the crusaders defeat, the site was revived and restored as a Franciscan monastery until 1552. After that, the Muslims actually turned it into a Mosque for their people. You can see the muslim mosque sign on the right of the picture. It was only in 1967, that the room was restored to the Christians, to once again remember it as the Room of the Last Supper.

What really surprised me was in Matthew 26:25, whereby after Jesus had described the disciple that was going to betray him, Judas actually replied and said that, “ Surely you don't mean me, Rabbi?”it really surprised me that Judas did not have a sense of guilt despite the fact that he had been with Jesus for most of his ministry in the last 3 years. Sometimes, the same can be said about us. We may be too deep into our sins, that it becomes a part of us. We lose the sense of guilt that what we are doing is wrong. James 4:17, says that,“Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, is sin.”
We need to learn to submit all of our ways to God and ask him to help us to overcome the sins in our life that we are struggling with. Romans 3:23, says that, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

Let us continue to encourage one another and help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, that may be struggling with certain sins in life, and to reach out to them in love, before it is too late. We must learn to not judge or condemn one another but rather learn to encourage others and grow in Christ by overcoming our sins.

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