Saturday 23 January 2016

Jerusalem- Magdala

Pool where great number of disabled people
used to lie beside 

Birthplace of Virgin Mary
We visited Magdala which was near Sheep Gate. This is the place where it is claimed that Mary, the mother of Jesus was born and lived but it is commonly remembered in the bible in John 5, whereby a great number of disabled people used to lie which were the blind,lame and paralyzed. The reason why they lied there, was because it was near the pool whereby it was believed that the moving of the water caused by an angel would heal whoever who stepped in it first. Therefore all the disabled people lied there to be cured of their diseases. 

In John 5:5-9, this was the place that Jesus healed the man who had been invalid for 38 years. Jesus told the man to rise and take up your bed and walk and immediately he was made well and took up his bed and walked.

Signboard showing the healing
that took place
The learning lesson for me was the fact that the man, needed to have faith in Jesus in order for him to make an attempt to rise. Imagine we were in his shoes, and had been paralyzed for many years, and someone told us to rise and walk, how many of us would have actually laughed at that person or told him not to joke? 

The reason could be because we had already made numerous attempt to rise up but failed each time. I mean this guy was not paralyzed for a few years but it was for 38 years. I hope that we could let that thought, sink in our minds and for the man to actually make an attempt to rise without questioning Jesus, really showed his faith in Jesus that he would be healed. 

Jesus told us in Matthew 17:20, that “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain move and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you." 

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