Sunday 24 January 2016

Sea of Galilee

Picture of Tung Ling Alumni with our
Dean Ju and Dean Phillip

Boat ride in the Sea of Galilee
We took a boat ride in the Sea of Galilee which is also called Lake Tiberias. It is a place that is very rich in the biblical history and although it is a lake, it is called a sea due to its tradition. Therefore the water is not salty and it is the country's largest and most important source of drinking water, as it is Israel's largest water reservoir.

Sea of Galilee

It is the place that is commonly remembered for 2 major incidents in the bible. The first is that it was the place where Jesus calmed the raging storms in Mark 4:39 and later rebuked his disciples for having little or no faith. The second is in Matthew 14,26-31, whereby the disciples saw Jesus walking on water and was terrified and Peter walked on water towards Jesus. The moment Peter looked down on the water, he was afraid and begin to sink and cried out to Jesus to save him and immediately Jesus extended his hand and caught him and rebuked him for having little faith.

Boat ride with the Israel and
Singapore Flag hoisted above 

While we were on the boat ride during the worship session, I had a vision whereby I found myself all alone, standing in the middle of the Sea of Galilee and I started to panic and cried out to God and asked,“Where are you Lord?” I was afraid and lonely and then I heard a gentle voice telling me that, “Why do you fear? Just because you can't see me does not mean that I am not with you. I am always with you even when you can't see me.” 

I started to tear and I realized after the vision, that I had always felt that God was not there during my problems in the past as despite calling out to him, nothing seemed to change in my life. However that vision taught me that God is always with us despite the fact that we can't see him 
during our darkest phases in life and he is in control.

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