View of the Port (1) |
This place is now
known as Jaffa and it was the main port of the coast before the ports of Haifa
and Ashdod was constructed. It was the main port of entry during the Turkish
Period and pilgrims and visitors used to enter Israel from here. Today, it is
one of the oldest functioning harbour in the world andhas a population of about
60,000 people and majority of them over staying there are
Jews followed by some Muslims and Christians.
Biblically, this
was where in Acts 9, Peter raised Tabitha from the dead. She was always doing
good and helping the poor but she fell sick and died. This miracle was made
known all over Joppa and many people believed in the Lord. This place was also
where in Acts 10, God showed Peter a vision about all kinds of four-footed
animals as well as reptiles and birds and he was ordered to get up and kill it
to eat.God spoke to him and said that, “ Do not call anything impure that God
has made clean.”
Interestingly, what
it taught me is that God does not always have to give us a very nice vision to
explain to us certain things. In the vision of Paul, a light from heaven
flashed around him and he heard a voice from God who spoke to Paul to open his
blinded eyes. Paul went on to preach the gospel of Christ in many places. In
the case of Peter, he had a very different kind of vision to teach him about
the Gentiles who would be also saved if they believed in Jesus. In our daily
lives today, God can choose to show us a different or unpleasant vision to
direct us, to where he wants us to go or what he wants us to do. Let us
continue to pray and seek God if we are still at the crossroads and pray for an
encounter or vision from God for his purpose or direction in our lives.
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